Magical wardrobe with doors open, revealing a fantastical world with an enchanted forest and mystical creatures inside, set in an ordinary room.
Gateway to a Magical World

The Magic of Book Portals

What are Portals?

What are portals? They are doorways. Are there doorways into other times, other dimensions, other worlds? Of course. These portals are called books, and every time you open the door of a book, you walk into another world, seeing things from new perspectives, lending your own ideas to their world and letting them become a part of yours.

My First Encounter with Portals

My first encounter with portals was C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Imagine! Walk into a cupboard and enter a different, magical, mysterious world! The wardrobe of this book drew me into more than just Narnia. At seven years old, I did not even know what a faun was, and there I was with Lucy, sharing an umbrella under a lamppost with a faun.

The Impact of Stories: A Mirror to Ourselves

Once you begin, there is no turning back. Whether consciously or subconsciously, you begin to discover that every story has a meaning. The author’s voice stirs the voice in your own mind, and a beautiful duet of thought is created. It will never be the same story twice because we are always in a different place in our lives, a different mindset. Books I loved once, I reread and find ludicrous. Books I once laughed at now have a sudden fascination. The doorway is not just a doorway. It is a mirror, a mirror through which we get a better look at ourselves and our world.

The Transformative Power of Portals

From The Chronicles of Narnia I learned about human weakness, forgiveness, hope, and the difference one person can make. There is only one word of caution I give you about portals. Always ensure, before you close the door, that you come away with an idea, feeling, or hope you did not have before. These portals do not simply transport. They transform.

Magical wardrobe with doors open, revealing a fantastical world with an enchanted forest and mystical creatures inside, set in an ordinary room.